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[조용기 목사] March Forward To Hope
Dr. Yonggi Cho 저 I Seoul Logos Co. I
정가 :  8,000원
판매가 :  7,200원 (10%,800원 할인)
사이즈 :  140*207mm, p227, 300g
배송료 :  3,000원(3만원 이상 무료)
수령예상일 :  2~3일 이내
   (주말/공휴일 제외.무통장 입금 주문시 입금일 기준)
수량 :  


Lift Up Eyes and Look
A Good Neighbor
The Holy Spirit Helps Our Weakness
God Quickens the Dead
The Natural (Unspritual) Person and the Spiritual Person
Pray in This Way
The Onslaught of Suffering
Faith Without Expectation
Pray Like This
March Forward to Hope
Born to Succeed
Healing fWounded Memories
It Is Written
What Must I Do to Be Saved?
The Authority Given Christians
Dr. Yonggi Cho is pastof Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, Korea, which has more than 750,000 members. He is also the CEO of David Cho Evangelistic Mission. During his forty-seven years of ministry, he wrote many books including The Forth Dimension, Soliving Life's Problems, The Holy Spirit-My SeniPartner, and Spiritual Leadership fthe New Millennium.
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